If your schedule allows you to join us on a Tuesday at the Radisson Hotel in Corning for our regular meeting at noon, please plan to come. This way you will get to meet those who regularly come to the hour of lunch, socializing and often a guest speaker.
You will need a sponsor (a present member of the club).
The membership application is available at the meeting place or you can upload it from this website by clicking here to download the PDF version of the membership application.
The completed application can be given to your sponsor or e-mailed to our membership committee at: membership@corningkiwanis.org
After receiving your application, the board of directors of the club will vote on your acceptance into membership.
Upon receiving the dues from you for the ensuing year, you will be ready for induction into the club. Presently the cost is $125.
The induction ceremony will be held at a regular Tuesday luncheon meeting at a time convenient to you.